Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 110

Wow, where has the week gone? It's already Thursday evening and I can't believe it. For one thing, I have to weight tomorrow and I am not looking forward to that. I have been bad this week. Cookies everyday. Yup, left overs from the Customer Appreciation Week at the Bank. So I have partaken of them daily this week and I KNOW it is not going to be good. I knew it when I ate them but I ate them just the same. I also have a doctor's appointment on the 29th of September so I better whip myself back into shape quickly.

Speaking of doctor's appointments, I have an appointment to get my teeth cleaned and my eyes checked on the same day. September 1st. Guess I will just have to take the whole day off from work, oh Darn!!! Then on September 22nd I have to take the morning off to go to Tallahassee for blood work for the appointment on the 29th.

Another appointment I had recently was for a hair cut. I have this awesome hairstylist and he told me Tuesday afternoon (after he was done cutting my hair, go figure) that he LOVES to play with hair and work miracles on people. I had picked out a style that my hair was just not quite long enough to do, but he tried and in the end we did something a bit different than what I thought I wanted. It isn't too bad, but my hair is just not as thick and doesn't have the body it used to have and that makes me very sad. I just can't imagine how I am going to look bald and if it keeps coming out at the rate it has the past 5 years, I will BE bald in 5 more. I am going to mention this to my doctor next month. See if we can't do something about it in time to prevent the worlds worst from happening.

I finished the baby quilt for the online store. I found the mint green and it turned out very nice if I do say so myself. I showed it to some of my fiends recently and they complimented me on the color selections. There comment was that they would never have thought to put those colors together, but they were VERY Pretty. I should be able to get a picture of it on here very soon, as Hubby presented me with a new digital camera last night that I can actually download the pictures directly into my computer. Once I finish reading the handbook and install the software, it will be pictures for the Blog!!! Can't wait. But I want to be certain that I know what I am doing and not mess up both the camera and the computer. If anyone could do that it would certainly be me.

I restarted on the special order afghan that has to be finished by Oct 7th. I have succeeded in getting one full skein of yarn reworked. This time I am working along the long side of the piece rather than the short side. So it will have a lengthwise pattern rather than the width-wise one I had before. I think the new pattern, while more simple, will be softer and more cuddly. I just hope they like it.

I also started on the soap bags that my daughter requested. I am not entirely certain what size to make them as I don't have any measurements. But I figure that a regular bar of soap should be about the same size. The first one is a variegated cotton yarn with blue, tan, brown, and green in it. I also have a red, white, and pink variegated yarn for another one. I am working on these at work on my lunch break as they are MUCH easier to transport to and from.

I looked at the site the other evening and boy there is a lot of stuff to read there. I want to be certain that I understand all the regulations and requirements before I jump in. But I have to admit that after a full day of working on a computer and with LOTS of paperwork, I don't have much interest in digging into something like this. So it will probably be a while before I open an Etsy store.

Well, I guess that will do it for me tonight. Hubby will have a birthday on September 2nd and it will be his big 50. So I am working on a few ideas for that this week. Later

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